Maine Master Floral Designer Program

Challenge- Integrity- Professionalism-Knowledge-Commitment-Personal Growth

One of MSFGA’s goals is to provide quality education for its members. We are pleased to offer the Maine Master Floral Design School (mmfd). This advanced floral design course provides specialized, up to date, and in depth knowledge of the elements and principles of design coupled with experience in floral mechanics and techniques. This course of study will be applied to floral compositions that are complex in theory and design. Mmfd was established in 2003 to promote floral excellence for the members of MSFGA. The focus is to provide a source for higher standards in art of floristry.

Maine Master Floral Designer Program

  1. Must be a member in good standing of MSFGA or an employee of a member shop in good standing. AND

  2. Must have passed MSFGA's Professional Certified Florist Program (PCF) within 5 years exposure to floral design. OR
    A comparable or advanced course of study such as AIFD, college degree in retail floriculture, or equivalent and 3 years exposure to floral design. OR

  3. Must have 5 years full-time design experience. ( Students must be able to show proof of design experience). 

Note: All eligibility for enrollment will be up to the MSFGA Education Chairman and Instructor. ​Due to the nature of study, eligibility will be strictly enforced. MSFGA is proud to offer our accredited Maine Master Program as a pathway for AIFD certification.

Additional questions specifically regarding the course can be directed to